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  • Diálogos con Leyner Palacios: reporte final de la Comisión colombiana de la Verdad desde la perspect

    4/7/22, 16:00h Venue: CEDLA, Roetersstraat 33 | 1018 WB Amsterdam - 2nd Floor Organizadores: NALACS & CEDLA Leyner Palacios es gestor de paz y luchador incansable por los derechos y la dignidad de las víctimas de la guerra en Colombia. Ha sido Secretario General de la Comisión Interétnica por la Verdad del Pacífico (CIVP) y actualmente Lidera la construcción de capítulo étnico y de recomendaciones de la Comisión colombiana de la Verdad. Dr. Abbey Steele, profesora asociada del Departamento de Ciencia Política de la Universidad de Ámsterdam. Ha sido investigadora de temas relacionados con el conflicto armado en Colombia y autora del libro: Democracy and Displacement in Colombia's Civil War (Democracia y Desplazamiento en la guerra civil en Colombia, 2017). La Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición (CEV) es una institución pública creada bajo el marco de la firma del Acuerdo de Paz de 2016, como parte del Sistema Integral de Verdad, Justicia, Reparación y No Repetición - SIVJRNR. Actualmente, la CEV está trabajando en la culminación del informe final que será presentado oficialmente al Presidente, las Altas Cortes y el Congreso el 28 de junio. Este informe es el resultado de tres años de diálogos sociales, escuchas a víctimas y agresores, y eventos de reconocimiento en diferentes territorios, a nivel nacional. El Comisionado Leyner Palacios, es un líder chocoano, abogado de profesión con una trayectoria de más de 20 años de trabajo con comunidades en la región del Chocó y diferentes zonas del Pacífico colombiano. Actualmente es uno de los 10 comisionados de la verdad y representa la voz de las víctimas afrocolombianas del conflicto armado, al ser el mismo sobreviviente de la masacre de Bojayá. Junto a la Comisionada Patricia Tobón (comisionada indígena), lideró la construcción del capítulo étnico que forma parte del informe final. Este conversatorio es una oportunidad para establecer un diálogo entre la academia, las organizaciones e instituciones interesadas y la diáspora colombiana/latinoamericana en Países Bajos, sobre el informe final de la CEV. Durante la actividad se abordarán los principales hallazgos del informe y las recomendaciones con un enfoque particular en los aspectos étnicos: racismo estructural; violencias contra los pueblos originarios mediante la imposición cultural ideológica; discriminación racial y negación del pueblo negro y persecución cultural del pueblo gitano. Con la participación de: ​ Ilustración: Camila Bolívar - ​Leyner Palacios, líder social y comisionado de la Verdad.

  • Las luchas por frenar las actividades petroleras: Los casos de Ecuador, Colombia y Holanda

    24/6/22, 15.30h Venue: CEDLA, Roetersstraat 33 | 1018 WB Amsterdam - 2nd Floor ORGANIZADORES: Milieudefensie, IUCN Nederlands Comité, NALACS & CEDLA YUVELIS NATALIA MORALES Activista colombiana - Comité AguaWil - Colombia Libre de Fracking - Afrowilches CAROLINA VALLADARES Socióloga ecuatoriana e Investigadora de doctorado en el CEDLA

  • In the Name of Christ: Violence, Religion, and Politics in Post-Revolutionary Mexico

    13/5/22, 15.30h Venue: CEDLA, Roetersstraat 33 | 1018 WB Amsterdam - 2nd Floor Activity: CEDLA Lecture Gema Kloppe-Santamaria, Assistant Professor of Latin American History at Loyola University Chicago What were the political and cultural drivers that contributed to shaping Catholics’ understanding of violence as a legitimate means to defend their religious practices and beliefs in post-revolutionary Mexico? In this talk, Dr. Gema Santamaria will focus on the 1930s-1950s, a period marked by the end of the Cristero War (1927-1929) - Mexico’s armed conflict over the religious question - and the so-called détente between the Mexican state and the Catholic Church. Despite the Church’s official rejection of the use of violence amongst the faithful, during this period Catholics continued to engage in belligerent and violent forms of religious militancy in the name of Christ and religious freedom. This, she argues, reflects the weight that non-canonical understandings of martyrdom, sacrifice, and redemptive violence had in Catholics’ exercise of religion. Catholics’ aggressive defence of religious symbols and places, together with their attacks against individuals perceived as “polluting” or “impious”, show that moral and symbolic considerations were deeply intertwined with uncompromising political ideologies and long-term intra-community conflicts. Discussant: Prof. Wil Pansters, Utrecht University

  • Robert-Jan Friele presenteert zijn boek De Pizarro's:

    Eén familie, drie generaties en honderd jaar strijd in Colombia 10/5/22, 15.30h Venue: CEDLA, Roetersstraat 33 | 1018 WB Amsterdam - 2nd Floor Organizator: CEDLA Event Robert-Jan Friele De Pizarro’s is een fascinerende familiekroniek die de dramatische geschiedenis van een heel land vertelt. Door de ogen van drie generaties en via tientallen levendige verhalen ontrolt een eeuw Colombia zich op meeslepende wijze. Nergens komt de Colombiaanse geschiedenis zo samen als in de familie Pizarro. De vader is de opperbevelhebber van het leger en gelooft in de instituties. Zijn zoons en dochter worden guerrillero’s en prediken de revolutie. Tegen de achtergrond van de Koude Oorlog en de opkomst van de cocaïnehandel streven de Pizarro’s, elk op een eigen manier, naar een rechtvaardiger Colombia. Veredelde staatsgrepen in Bogotá, clandestiene trainingskampen op Cuba, collegebanken in Moskou: ze beleven het allemaal. Hun strijd kost twee van hen het leven en de revolutionaire droom kan geen einde maken aan de schrijnende ongelijkheid en het geweld. Eén ding blijft van generatie op generatie gelijk: het gevecht van de Pizarro’s voor een betere toekomst van hun land.

  • Unpacking the migrant / non-migrant relation: Key lessons from Ecuador and Italy

    22/4/22, 15.30h Venue: CEDLA, Roetersstraat 33 | 1018 WB Amsterdam - 2nd Floor Organiser: CEDLA Lecture Paolo Boccagni, University of Trento How does the relation between migrants and (so- called) non-migrants evolve over time? In a historical period of unprecedented infrastructures for migrants' transnational connections, the risk exists to overstate migrants' engagement in their communities of origin, and neglect the gaps emerging in space and time between movers and stayers. As migrants realize upon return, the ‘normality’ of life in their hometowns is not fundamentally questioned by migration, unless after especially critical events. The ordinary ways to imagine, perceive and use ‘remittance houses’ are most revealing of these modes of differentiation and dissimilation. By revisiting my cumulative fieldwork between Ecuador and Europe, I argue for a less exceptionalistic understanding of migration, inspired by the changing views and practices of home among my participants. Across migrants’ communities of origin, remittances keep making a difference, when available. Migrant houses keep standing out in the surrounding built environment. However, in most other respects, everyday life ‘back home’ is more a matter of business-as-usual than most migration scholars may admit. Many keep dwelling there, some others here, but very few in the alluring, ambiguous, and ultimately ephemeral space of the here-and-there.

  • A Body of One’s Own:Trans Embodiment Technologies and Knowledge Production in Argentina

    1/4/22, 15.30h Organiser: CEDLA Lecture Dr. Patricio Simonetto, University College London Unlike other countries where gender affirmation surgery access was restricted but still allowed under certain conditions, Argentina has prohibited any treatment that affected reproductive organs since 1967. Different legal codes have penalised people dressed as the “opposite sex” since the 1930s. This criminalisation has threatened trans people’s right to existence and made gender affirmation practices clandestine, expensive and dangerous. In this presentation, Dr. Patricio Simonetto analyses how male and female trans people challenged state restrictions by producing knowledge and homemade technologies to affirm their gender. He explores the history of a vast repertoire of medical and social practices, such as self-injected hormones or liquid industrial silicone. The presentation also explores how people have experimented with their bodies, performing them in living laboratories to affirm their gender beyond legal and medical control, and how this pushed them to precarious conditions. Finally, it addresses how activists have formulated an alternative body discourse that challenges the biotechnological promise of an alleged “correct body” as an undeniable trans future. Discussant: Dr. Eliza Steinbock, author of Shimmering Images: Trans Cinema, Embodiment, and the Aesthetics of Change (Duke University Press, 2019)

  • Can social policy manipulation be avoided? Combating clientelism through policy design in Mexico

    11/03/22, 15:30h Venue: CEDLA, Roetersstraat 33 | 1018 WB Amsterdam - 2nd Floor Organiser: CEDLA Lecture Speaker: Saskia P. Ruth-Lovell, Radboud University Nijmegen How does clientelism affect contemporary policymaking? To better understand and explain the relationship between clientelism and the quality of policy output in the case of Mexico, Saskia Ruth-Lovell analyses policy design and identifies ways to curb clientelism through the letter of the law. Building on insights from distributive politics and policy analysis, she discusses the results of elite interviews and qualitative content analysis of social policy legislation in Mexico from 1995-2018 . Based on research with Rodrigo Salazar Elena (FLACSO Mexico) and Louise Smink (Radboud University), she argues that policymakers and stakeholders need to formulate precise policy objectives, delimitate the scope and targets of a policy clearly, and establish independent implementation and monitoring mechanisms.

  • Conocimientos indígenas: Repensando las políticas globales de cambio climático en Colombia

    11/02/22, 15.30h Venue: CEDLA, Roetersstraat 33 | 1018 WB Amsterdam - 2nd Floor Organizador: CEDLA Lecture Poniente: Astrid Ulloa, Universidad Nacional (Colombia) El cambio climático global y los posteriores procesos de mitigación y adaptación son temas que trascienden los contextos locales y requieren la interacción de diferentes conocimientos, ideas y prácticas. Sin embargo, las acciones globales contra el CC han estado sustentadas por un solo tipo de conocimiento. Si bien se han planteado propuestas para la articulación de diversos conocimientos, los intentos de acuerdos interculturales e interdisciplinarios continúan enfrentando problemas de comparación con la ciencia especializada, en términos de indicadores, escalas, formas de sistematización y variables a considerar, especialmente en los procesos de predicción. En este contexto, Prof. Astrid Ulloa argumenta que los conocimientos indígenas, dadas sus ontologías, epistemologías y relaciones culturales de acuerdo con el género, la edad, la especialización y la localización, permiten una comprensión compleja del CC. Son conocimientos que confrontan las políticas global-nacionales para visibilizar los territorios como seres vivos, y los no humanos como seres políticos, y proponer alternativas contextualizadas de acuerdo con procesos históricos y políticos para repensar conceptos, estrategias y políticas frente al cambio climático.

  • The Colombian Peace Process at a Crossroads. Challenges and Perspectives

    Speaker: Stefan Peters, Instituto CAPAZ (Bogotá) & University of Giessen 3 December 2021, 16.00-17.30 Venue: CEDLA - 2nd Floor Activity: CEDLA Lecture The Colombian peace process is at a crossroads. Although there is important progress, for example regarding transitional justice, various key issues for peace building continue to be unsolved. Moreover, we cannot speak of peace at all and rather we are observing a transformed violence. The talk will analyze the state of the peace process five years after the peace agreement and highlight important voids in both the agreement and implementation. It will close with recommendations that are crucial for building a lasting and sustainable peace in Colombia.

  • Power, imprisonment and the force of law in Nicaragua

    19/11/21, 15.30h Venue: CEDLA, Roetersstraat 33 | 1018 WB Amsterdam - 2nd Floor Julienne Weegels, CEDLA - ARTES, University of Amsterdam In 2018, massive protests shook Nicaragua and their repression was brutal. Over 300 people were killed in a ‘Clean-Up Operation’ that exposed militarized political policing and the formation of partisan, armed para-state groups. Over the course of the following months and years, more than 1.600 people have been imprisoned for expressing resistance and dissent. Tracing the trajectories of a number of these political prisoners through the Nicaraguan criminal justice system and, in some cases, back out, I explore distinct performances of the ‘law’ and hybrid state power. Provoking a sense of ontological insecurity among its subjects, acting outside of and manipulating the law point to the ‘force of law’ rather than the rule of law as pivotal to the exercise of power. This in turn informs protesters’ and (former) prisoners’ performances of state delegitimation - think of street and prison riots, but also more silent contestations - where conceptions of authority, justice and law are reimagined.

  • China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the future of development in the Caribbean

    12 October 2021, 15:30-17:00 Venue: CEDLA, Roetersstraat 33 | 1018 WB Amsterdam - 2nd Floor CEDLA Lecture Speaker: Ruben Gonzalez Vicente, Universiteit Leiden This presentation explores the developmental footprint of China’s Belt and Road Initiative through a theoretical lens inspired by critical Caribbean thought. Ruben Gonzalez-Vicente will discuss how Sino-Caribbean relations remain shaped by epistemic dependency, structural imbalances, and a number of unresolved social issues relating to the postcolonial condition in former plantation societies. He argues that expectations deposited in the emerging ‘South-South’ link with China in Latin America and the Caribbean are easily overstated. Instead, the relation is characterized by China’s elitist business-centric approach to development, the eschewing of participatory approaches in Sino-Caribbean ventures, and the passive incorporation of the Caribbean into China’s global vision. The presentation is based on his work with Annita Montoute (University of the West Indies).

  • Demilitarization and Independence in Latin America: Lessons from Costa Rica and Beyond

    Webinar co-organized by CEDLA and the Embassy of Costa Rica in the Netherlands Keynote speaker: Luis Guillermo Solís, former President of Costa Rica and Interim director of the Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center, FIU Discussants: Prof. dr. Kees Koonings and Prof. dr. Dirk Kruijt, Utrecht University Chair: Prof. dr. Barbara Hogenboom, CEDLA — University of Amsterdam This lecture took place on 24th of September 2021 as part of the CEDLA Lecture Series. Costa Rica is one of the most stable democracies of the Western Hemisphere. Located in a region prone to political unrest, where military rule has been a historical constant, Costa Rica has been able to avert the maladies of authoritarianism and human rights violations due to a series of decisions made after reaching independence precisely 200 years ago, in 1821. Two are generally considered central to the country’s progress: an early adherence to public education, and the establishment of a universal, solidarity-driven, social security system. There is however a third, unique and unusual decision that laid the foundation of Costa Rica’s internal stability and international peace: the abolition of the armed forces as a permanent institution in 1948, at the end of the country’s last civil war. During this seminar, Luis Guillermo Solís, former president of Costa Rica (2014-2018), will discuss the short and long-term implications of this extraordinary measure. Professors Kees Koonings and Dirk Kruijt, specialists on the role of the military in a number of Latin American societies, will reflect on experiences and current challenges in other parts of the region. In a roundtable discussion they will discuss the wider effects and possibilities for demilitarization that the Costa Rican example sets for the region at large.

  • Sexual violence on trial: Impunity and transformative gender justice in post-conflict Latin America

    12 September 2021, 15:30-17:00 Venue: CEDLA, Roetersstraat 33 | 1018 WB Amsterdam - 2nd Floor CEDLA Lecture Speaker: Jelke Boesten, King’s College London In 2016, the case known as ‘Sepur Zarco’ saw two military officers convicted for crimes against humanity and sexual and domestic slavery in Guatemala. Following the analysis of Jo-Marie Burt (2019), the case had transformative effects on the victim-survivors as well as on the idea of gender justice more broadly. Considering this remarkable trial and its effects, in this lecture Jelke Boesten asks if criminal justice for conflict related sexual violence can bring about transformative gender justice in Latin America by unpacking ongoing trials in Peru. There, during the counterinsurgency against Shining Path (1980-2000) the military used sexual violence just as systematically as in Guatemala in the 1980s. However, impunity persists. The paper will reflect on the ongoing court case against thirteen ex-military in Peru, known as ‘Manta y Vilca’, to examine whether these difficult processes contribute to what we might call ‘transformative gender justice’ in Latin America.

  • Contested Urban Territories in Latin America

    Financialisation - Displacement - Gentrification SPEAKER: Dr. Michael Janoschka, Senior Lecturer at Universität Leipzig DISCUSSANT: Dr. Femke van Noorloos from Utrecht University DATE: 11 June, 2021 ACTIVITY: CEDLA LECTURE ​ In his lecture Michael Janoschka will discuss how Latin American cities have increasingly been defined by the financialisation of urban development, the gentrification of urban areas and the displacement of vulnerable populations. He will unpack the dominant urban theories and the current debate on city development in order to engage critically with spatial discourses and knowledge production. He proposes to use a de-colonial perspective to develop a more nuanced approach and to provide alternative readings of urban transformation policies and processes in Latin American cities.

  • Virtual Latijns-Amerika expert event Corona in Latijns-Amerika:Implicaties voor onze relatie met de

    Organisatie door NIMD, CEDLA, Impunity Watch, CNV internationaal De COVID-19 pandemie laat geen land bespaard en veroorzaakt ook een diepe crisis in Latijns-Amerika. De behaalde vooruitgang op het terrein van armoedebestrijding, rechten van vrouwen, arbeiders en inheemse groepen, milieubescherming en verantwoord ondernemerschap dreigen verloren te gaan. Bovendien maakt de coronacrisis pijnlijk zichtbaar dat zogenaamde ‘oude’ problemen nog heel actueel zijn. De Nederlandse overheid, het bedrijfsleven en maatschappelijke organisaties hebben juist ingezet op ondersteuning van de vooruitgang die Latijns-Amerika doormaakte. Dit roept belangrijke vragen op: hoe bedreigen corona en andere crises de ontwikkeling van Latijns-Amerika? Wat is er nodig om deze neerwaartse trend te keren? En wat betekent de coronacrisis voor de Nederlandse relatie met de regio? #LatijnsAmerikaDebat Sprekers: o.a. Achraf Bouali, tweede kamerlid D66; Barbara Hogenboom, directeur CEDLA; Marit Maij, directeur CNV Internationaal; Joost de Vries, correspondent Volkskrant Latijns-Amerika; Marijke Zewuster, hoofd Emerging Markets & Commodity Research ABN AMRO.

  • Inflections of Anti-Racism in Latin America

    Dr. Mónica Moreno Figueroa, University of Cambridge and Prof. Peter Wade, University of Manchester This lecture took place on 9 April 2021 as part of the CEDLA Lecture Series. There has been an incipient turn to antiracism in Latin America. In our research project ‘Latin American Anti-racism in a 'Post-Racial' Age’ (LAPORA) we are looking at different styles of antiracist activity in four countries: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico. One of our key findings is the variation in how different organisations understand and use the language of racism and antiracism to define or organise their activities. There are different grammars of antiracism, some explicit some alternative. What could the antiracist effects of these ‘alternative grammars’ of struggle be? Explicit naming of racism per se is not necessarily a sign of advancing antiracist work, however strategic language and awareness of structural racism have distinct advantages for antiracist practice.

  • Riverhood and river commons in Latin America and Europe

    Prof. dr. Rutgerd Boelens, Wageningen University & CEDLA - University of Amsterdam This lecture took place on 19 March 2021 as part of the CEDLA Lecture Series. River systems are fundamental for social and natural well-being. Around the world, however, mega-damming, pollution and depletion are putting riverine complexes under great stress. Since ages, engineering of ideal societies by domesticating ‘wild water’ followed utopian imaginaries to control humans and nature at once, while omitting alternative understandings and side-lining local co-governance practices. In Europe, this has a long tradition: “God created the world but the Dutch created the Netherlands”. Spain’s century-old Política Hidráulica envisioned “recreating nature and humans, at once”. Both countries exported their technocratic paradigms to Latin America, but the pendulum may now swing back. Ecuador engrained ‘Rights of Nature’ constitutionally. In Colombia, rivers became subjects, not objects, of moral and legal rights. Increasingly, socio-nature commons fight for revitalizing rivers. European grassroots now seek to creatively translate these notions in their struggles, and partners in South and North join forces, building bottom-up, cross-cultural knowledge. Science and policies, however, lack the tools to engage with these new water justice movements. Through two new international Wageningen / CEDLA-UvA programs, we will study local and transnational “river commoning” languages, values, practices, and strategies. We will examine river complexes from four connected ontologies: River-as-ecosociety; River-as-territory; River-as-subject; and River-as-movement. ​

  • Presidential Term Limits: Comparing Reforms in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa

    Mariana Llanos, GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies, Hamburg This lecture took place on 26 February 2021 as part of the CEDLA Lecture Series In this lecture Dr. Mariana Llanos takes a longitudinal view on presidential-term-limit reforms in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa since the third wave of democratization. Many countries in the two regions (re-)introduced term limits as a democratic safeguard against personal rule and power abuses. Since then, term limits have been contested by a plethora of reform attempts. Such reforms are commonly seen as a risk to democracy. Her theoretical and empirical research (together with Charlotte Heyl ) shows that the stability of term-limit rules is more prevalent than expected, but that this stability sometimes masks institutional ineffectiveness in authoritarian regimes. Rule instability induced by frequent reforms can be part of a piecemeal path towards autocratization, but it can also reflect an open-ended tug of war between authoritarian tendencies and democratic resistance. ​

  • Fifty public standpipes: Politicians, local elections, and struggles for water in Barranquilla

    Tatiana Acevedo Guerrero, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education ​ Throughout the late 1980s and 1990s, the Barranquilla World Bank Project aimed to expand water supply to the southwestern sector of the city, populated mainly by low-income communities. Anticipating the duration of the works, the project included a short-term solution: it would install fifty public standpipes during the first months of implementation. This talk tells the story of the WB project and the fifty public standpipes - which were never built. Its purpose is to analyse how water/power distributions have been reworked and consolidated, highlighting tensions triggered by the project at the national and local level. It evidences the messiness of electoral politics and the complexity of political parties (their competing interests, and the fact that these changed over time). This is of interest as it focuses on electoral politics, a subject rarely touched by the political ecology literature, where water policies’ implementation is frequently portrayed as a process of imposition of a set of measures by an essentially uniform group of political/economic elites. Tatiana Acevedo Guerrero argues that, throughout the project, different and heterogenous governments, regulatory agencies, political parties, electoral movements, unions, and business groups, engaged in confrontations and negotiations about different imaginations of the city.

  • Una revolución desde abajo: la filantropía de base liderada por mujeres en América Latina

    SPEAKER: Florencia Roitstein y Andrés Thompson, ELLAS-Mujeres y Filantropía DATE: 20 November, 2023 ACTIVITY: CEDLA Lecture Estamos en un momento crítico de la historia latinoamericana. Las mujeres están liderando una nueva ola de movilización y de filantropía a lo largo de la región que comenzó en 2015 con la marcha histórica de “Ni una menos” en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Las mujeres se sienten más que nunca motivadas a compartir sus historias acerca de su papel en el activismo social. Ellas se están reencontrando y reapropiando de sus voces y sus vidas, y están asumiendo su responsabilidad por un futuro mejor. Estos movimientos han sido posibles gracias a las “donaciones” masivas de tiempo, capacidades, capital social y dinero de miles de mujeres. Este compromiso e involucramiento contrasta con la falta de apoyo de la filantropía institucionalizada y de los programas sociales corporativos. Las mujeres, que antes donaban silenciosamente, hoy coordinan protestas, escriben columnas de opinión en los medios sociales, hablan públicamente y se organizan para promover cambios sociales reales, adaptándose a los tiempos de la pandemia del Covid-19. Ellas no pueden “quedarse en casa”. En su conferencia, Florencia Roitstein y Andrés Thompson presentarán su nuevo libro con las historias de 23 mujeres latinoamericanas que son grandes ejemplos de movilización de recursos para el cambio social: La rebelión de lo cotidiano. Mujeres generosas que cambian América Latina. El libro puede descargarse gratuitamente aquí.

  • Virtual Latijns-Amerika expert event Corona in Latijns-Amerika

    Implicaties voor onze relatie met de regio DATE: 4 June, 2020 ACTIVITY: NIMD, CEDLA, Impunity Watch, CNV internationaal De COVID-19 pandemie laat geen land bespaard en veroorzaakt ook een diepe crisis in Latijns-Amerika. De behaalde vooruitgang op het terrein van armoedebestrijding, rechten van vrouwen, arbeiders en inheemse groepen, milieubescherming en verantwoord ondernemerschap dreigen verloren te gaan. Bovendien maakt de coronacrisis pijnlijk zichtbaar dat zogenaamde ‘oude’ problemen nog heel actueel zijn. De Nederlandse overheid, het bedrijfsleven en maatschappelijke organisaties hebben juist ingezet op ondersteuning van de vooruitgang die Latijns-Amerika doormaakte. Dit roept belangrijke vragen op: hoe bedreigen corona en andere crises de ontwikkeling van Latijns-Amerika? Wat is er nodig om deze neerwaartse trend te keren? En wat betekent de coronacrisis voor de Nederlandse relatie met de regio? Latijns Amerika Debat Sprekers: o.a. Achraf Bouali, tweede kamerlid D66; Barbara Hogenboom, directeur CEDLA; Marit Maij, directeur CNV Internationaal; Joost de Vries, correspondent Volkskrant Latijns-Amerika; Marijke Zewuster, hoofd Emerging Markets & Commodity Research ABN AMRO.

  • How a Washington Assassination Brought Pinochet's Terror State to Justice

    SPEAKER: Alan McPherson, Temple University ACTIVITY: TNI & CEDLA Event DATE: 6 Maart, 2020 ​ On September 21, 1976, a car bomb killed Orlando Letelier, the former Chilean ambassador to the United States, along with his colleague Ronni Moffitt. The murder shocked the world, especially because of its setting – in the heart of Washington DC. Based on interviews from three continents, never-before-used documents, and recently declassified sources that conclude that Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet himself ordered the hit and then covered it up, Alan McPherson offers the full story of one of the Cold War’s most consequential assassinations. The Letelier car bomb forever changed counterterrorism and democracy. It also pointed to the underlying, century-long struggle between fascism and human rights in Latin America. In his lecture, Alan McPherson presents key findings of his latest book: Ghosts of Sheridan Circle (2019).

  • Presentación Hallazgos de la Comisión de la Verdad en Bolivia

    SPEAKER: Fernando Valdivia, Editor Responsable del Informe Final ACTIVITY: CEDLA Lecture and Photo Exposition DATE: 21 February, 2020 Esta exposición destaca los hallazgos más importantes de la Comisión de la Verdad en Bolivia y reflexiona sobre el trabajo de este tipo de órgano desde la experiencia boliviana. La comisión recopiló documentación y testimonios que resultaron en más de 6000 expedientes, con el objetivo de esclarecer las graves violaciones de derechos humanos durante las dictaduras militares entre 1964 y 1982. En ello sobresale la desclasificación de documentación militar y policial relacionada a esa época. EXPO Opening “Ink & Blood: Historical Solidarity with Latin America” Combining material from the collections of KADOC and its partner institutions, this exhibition offers a unique insight into a dynamic era of Belgian solidarity with Latin America. During the opening of the exhibition there will be a panel discussion on the faces of historical and contemporary European solidarity with Latin America, led by professor emeritus Michiel Baud, and followed by drinks.

  • BRAZIL Favelas: Financialization 2.0 - in(fra)vestments

    "Three challenges facing Brazil in the global economic transition: Financialization 2.0, in(fra)vestments, favelas" Professor Gary Dymski - Leeds University Business School Discussant: Dr Barbara Hogenboom (CEDLA) 22 March 2011 Activity: Globe Lecture Series Developing nations face huge challenges in the post-2008 global economy, as they attempt to not only sustain growth but to cope with the strategic adjustments being made by the US and the EU and their corporate leaderships. Brazil’s situation is especially precarious because of its population’s heightened expectations (“O Novo Brazil”), because of its growing export ties to the US, EU, and to China, and because its successes in reducing extreme poverty have now led to the challenge of invigorating its informal, lower-income communities. After tracing out the main lines and implications of the still-unfolding crisis in the US and the EU, we focus on three specific challenges for Brazil. The first involves contending with the post-crisis developments in financialization, both domestically and abroad; the second is how to manage investment so as to permit continued growth and also address the nation’s infrastructure deficit; and the third is to work out sustainable futures for Brazilian cities’ favelas and the people who live there. Of course, these three challenges are all the harder because they tied up in an interconnected series of knots. Gary Dymski is professor of economics at the University of California, Riverside. He received his B.A. in urban studies from the University of Pennsylvania in 1975, and an MPA from Syracuse University in 1977. After a year at the Brookings Institution in 1985-86, he taught economics at the University of Southern California before joining the UCR faculty in 1991. He served as associate dean in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences in 2001-02 and was founding director of the Center for Sustainable Suburban Development in 2002-03. From 2003 to 2009, Gary was the founding Executive Director of the University of California Center, Sacramento, a UC-wide center that introduced UC students to public service and connected UC researchers with California’s policy-making community. Gary has been a visiting scholar in universities and research centers in Brazil, Bangladesh, Japan, Korea, Great Britain, Greece, and India. His most recent books are Capture and Exclude: Developing Nations and the Poor in Global Finance (Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2007), co-edited with Amiya Bagchi, and Reimagining Growth: Toward a Renewal of the Idea of Development, co-edited with Silvana DePaula (Zed, London, 2005). Gary has published articles, chapters, and studies on banking, financial fragility, urban development, credit-market discrimination, the Latin American and Asian subprime financial crises, exploitation, housing finance, the subprime lending crisis, financial regulation, and economic policy. He is a member of the editorial boards of the International Review of Applied Economics, Geoforum, and Econômica (Brazil).

  • Afro-Colombian Culture under the Threat of Armed Conflict

    Dr. Jaime Arocha - Departamento de Antropología / Grupo de Estudios Afrocolombianos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia 11 February 2011 Activity: CEDLA Lecture In the Pacific coast of Colombia, African captive men and women developed adaptations to the ecosystems in which they were forced to live during colonial times. In the course of time, these innovations have been a necessary and crucial element of environmental and social sustainability. Today this eco-social system is threatened by armed conflict and modernization, but public policy makers have not responded to safeguard them.

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