Since its creation in 1964, the Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation (CEDLA), hosted by the University of Amsterdam, has promoted Latin American Studies in the Netherlands, Europe and beyond. We do this by conducting and stimulating relevant and original research on developments in Latin America and distributing the results of this research internationally via academic education at BA, MA and PhD levels and via academic publications such as the open access journal ERLACS. Based on a long history of multi-disciplinary research and studies in the fields of both Social Sciences and Humanities (including cultural anthropology, history, political science, human geography, sociology and economics), we increasingly apply interdisciplinary approaches in our projects and education. CEDLA’s library is considered one of Europe’s largest specialized collections of material on Latin America. The CEDLA institute is part of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam. We also have close ties with the UvA’s Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences as well as with Latin American Studies programmes and researchers in the Netherlands and abroad. CEDLA’s research pertains to the Amsterdam School for Regional, Transnational and European Studies (ARTES), which stimulates cross-Regional Studies collaboration. For detailed reports of CEDLA’s activities see our Annual Reports on the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Academic Research
CEDLA’s research focuses on present and past processes of societal change in Latin America. The CEDLA team has acquired external research funding from various agencies, including the NWO and the EU. In addition to conducting multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary research, the Centre makes every effort to distribute the research results and stimulate both academic and societal debates on Latin America. This is done by writing (academic) publications, organising lectures, seminars and conferences, and working in conjunction with sister organisations in the Netherlands as well as abroad. Next to its team of researchers, CEDLA hosts a number of PhD students and fellows, and occasionally appoints temporary staff members for specific research projects. CEDLA researchers are involved in multiple research networks with Latin American and other international researchers and institutions.
Education CEDLA offers BA, MA and PhD courses and programmes. At the Bachelor’s level, the programme of Spanish and Latin American Studies (SLAS) offers a special track in Latin American Studies. CEDLA also offers a broad range of topical courses on Latin America within the field of Social Sciences and the Humanities, which can be taken individually or combined into a minor in Latin American Studies. The minor and individual courses are also open to students from other universities. In the multi-disciplinary Master's of Latin American Studies (MLAS), students spend two to three months in Latin America to do research for their thesis project. The MLAS is part of the Latin American Studies Programme (LASP), an interuniversity graduate programme providing Master and PhD education, which is coordinated by CEDLA. In addition, CEDLA offers tailormade training programmes for professionals (e.g. to the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
CEDLA hosts the academic peer-reviewed open access journal ERLACS – European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe – that is published twice a year, in print and online. Scholars from all across the globe contribute articles to ERLACS that reflect substantial empirical research and/or innovative theoretical contributions with respect to major scholarly debates. In association with Berghahn Books, CEDLA also published the book series CEDLA Latin America Studies (CLAS), which consists of monographs and edited volumes.
Book Collection
The book collection will be available from the summer of 2025 in the new University Library of the UvA, also on the Binnengasthuisterrein, diagonally opposite CEDLA. In the meantime (August 2024 – August 2025). CEDLA books can be requested via the UvA library catalog and picked up and returned at one of the pickup points; please allow one or two days between reservation and availability. At CEDLA's new location, there is a study space for master students and visitors, with a small reference library (for consultation only). The CEDLA Collection features a wide range of resources focused on the social sciences, economy, human geography, history, and culture of Latin America. The collection includes books and journals.
Other networks and activities
There is extensive and continuous contact at the research level with foreign universities and research institutes specializing in Latin American Studies. Within the Netherlands, CEDLA is a well-known platform and contact point for scholars, students, journalists, public and private institutions, NGOs and citizens with questions or plans with regard to the region. For instance, we provide space for the monthly meetings of the interuniversity PhD-student forum for Research on Latin America, OLA, and work together closely with our colleagues in the Netherlands Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, NALACS. Furthermore, CEDLA offers support to two scholarship programmes for young scholars in Latin American Studies: the Prince Bernard Scholarships and the Slicher van Bath-de Jong Fund.
Our Objectives
Our Objectives to carry out Social Science and Humanities (SSH) research on Latin America to further research-based teaching on Latin America to extend and increase knowledge about the societies and cultures of Latin America to collect books, journals and other materials relevant to the study and documentation of Latin America to foster the exchange and coordination of Latin American Studies in the Netherlands.
Prof. dr. Barbara Hogenboom
Director of CEDLA
Prof. dr. Michiel Baud
Prof. dr. Kees Koonings
Prof. dr. Rutgerd Boelens
Dr. Fábio de Castro
Dr. Christien Klaufus
Dr. Julienne Weegels
Dr. Dana Brablec
Dr. Gabriela Russo Lopes
Dr. Nicolás Rodríguez Idarraga
Diego Galdo-González
Mirko van Pampus
Beatrice Mosseri
Anouk Aldenberg, Mgmt. Assistant
Laura Conde van Veldhuizen, Mgmt. Assistant
Bente van de Nes, M.A., Education & PR
Bestanist Nin, M.A., Communication & Website
Rebeca Fernández, PhD, Desk Editor & Edita
Luisa Gonzalez Valencia
Geraldine Lamadrid Guerrero
Antonia McGrath
Isa Mollinger
Hannah Porada
Lieke Prins
Johann Sebastian Reyes Bejarano
Laura Ximena Triana Gallego
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