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CEDLA Researchers

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Dr Fabio de Castro

Assistant Professor


Fábio de Castro is Assistant Professor of Brazilian Studies. He is an environmental anthropologist with MSc in Ecology in 1992 (State University of Campinas, Brazil) and PhD in Environmental Science/Anthropology in 2000 (Indiana University, USA). Fábio has research experience with academic, non-governmental and governmental organizations in Brazil and in the United States. He is a collaborating researcher at the Anthropological Center for Training and Research on Global Environmental Change (Indiana University, USA), and at the Center for Maritime Research (MARE), University of Amsterdam). Fábio is interested in the socio-ecological processes shaping patterns of resource use and management. His research focuses on local governance of natural resource and the dilemma between conservation and development goals at local and broader scales. His interdisciplinary background is reflected in his theoretical and methodological approach, combining ethnographic, historical, socioeconomic, institutional and ecological data to understand how patterns of resource use are shaped and transformed. Fábio is particularly interested in the connections between processes across socio-ecological scales, and how partnerships between users, government and private sectors influence resource conservation. See more details at the personal page at UvA website +INFO


Fábio de Castro has conducted research in many different sites in the Amazon and Atlantic Forest in Brazil. He is currently working on two main projects:

1) Political ecology of the implementation of agro-extractive reserves in the Amazonian floodplain
a. Institutional arrangement of co-management systems
b. Participatory and collaborative process
c. Social and ecological performance of the reserves

2) Socio-ecological dimension of the biodiesel program in Brazil
a. Institutional framework of the biodiesel program
b. Social relations between farmers, biodiesel producers and the governmental agencies
c. Economic and social performance of the feedstock production (oil seeds) by small farmers

3) Territorial governance of protected areas in Brazil
a. Compilation of protected areas
b. Institutional arrangement of different categories of protected areas
c. Comparison with land governance for agrarian development



LINKAGES. Local and Indigenous Knowledge for an Amazonian Grounded (Bio) Economy

Principal Investigators:
dr. Fabio de Castro (University of Amsterdam) and dr. Celia Futemma (UNICAMP Universidade Estadual de Campinas)


LINKAGES is a 5-year project of EUR 1 million, co-funded by the Dutch (NWO) and Brazilian (FAPESP) agencies. The transdisciplinary consortium comprises of long-term local partners, and has a critical perspective to the 'bioeconomy' narrative in the Brazilian Amazon. The coordination is composed by CEDLA (Fábio de Castro) and UNICAMP (Celia Futemma), supported by two Co-PIs (Marjo de Theije, Vrij Universiteit) and Eduardo Brondizio (Indiana University). The project is a follow up of AGENTS which will end in September 2022 and LINKAGES is planned to be launched in the same month. The project will have 4 PhDs.

Planta de mantenimiento

Vean la grabación del PANEL organizado por Dr. Fábio de Castro (CEDLA):
Contribución Latinoamericana a los Debates Teóricos sobre Bienes Comunes

El propósito de este panel es explorar cómo el contexto latinoamericano puede contribuir a la construcción teórica de los bienes comunes. Por un lado, la región se caracteriza por una historia de desigualdad, violencia y baja calidad democrática que ha apoyado procesos de “descomunización”; por otro lado, la región tiene una historia de resistencia política, creatividad social y diversidad cultural que ha apoyado procesos de ‘recomunización’. 

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