Cinema and Culture in the Andes
DATE: 10 October 2024
TIME: 14.00-17.30, followed by drinks
VENUE: Bushuis (Kloveniersburgwal 48) Room F0.01.
Upon registration through this form you will receive the full seminar programme. The seminar will also be recorded and shared to CEDLA’s YouTube channel shortly afterwards.
Join us on Wednesday, October 9th, and Thursday, October 10th at 20:30 for a special screening of films related to our seminar. These screenings are brought to you in collaboration with Filmhuis Cavia. For more information and to see the full program, please visit this link.
Grants for sustainability research
Beyond the Canopy: Spatial Analysis of the Anthropogenic Forest and Social-Ecological Function Nexus in the Amazon
Small(er) Cinemas of the Andes
On these two evenings we will present a selection of these films curated and introduced by three Latin American scholars who are part of the book Small Cinemas of the Andes: New Aesthetics, Practices and Platforms (2023). After the screenings, they will also engage in a discussion with the audience. KNOW MORE
The CEDLA 2023 Annual Report is now available online! Discover our key achievements, research highlights, and developments over the past year. Visit our website to explore the full report and learn more about our work in Latin American studies. READ
European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Did you know ERLACS is a diamond Open Access journal? READ ERLACS
Upcoming events
SEMINAR: Cinema and Culture in the Andes
DATE: 10 October
LECTURE: Are Truth and Justice Attainable in Times of Criminal Violence? Global Challenges and Lessons from Mexico and Colombia
DATE: 18 October
CEDLA's new location
Binnengasthuisstraat 46 (Gasthuiskerk).
CEDLA lectures will mostly take place at Vox-Pop in BG 3, Binnengasthuisstraat 9, 1012 ZA Amsterdam.
We are celebrating our
60th Anniversary!
Do you have any memorable memories or anecdotes about professors, classes, events, or moments that have left a lasting impact on you and your research? We'd love to hear your stories! LEAVE YOUR STORY
​Winners of the 2024 Call
Slicher van Bath de Jong Foundation for the advancement of study and research on the history of Latin America
Project: Contesting Urban Borderscapes in Latin America
Bachelor, Master and PhD
CEDLA has promoted Latin American Studies in the Netherlands, Europe and beyond. We do this by conducting and stimulating relevant and original research on developments in Latin America and distributing the results of this research internationally via academic education at BA, MA and PhD levels.
FOREST-MAKING IN AGRARIAN FRONTIERS: Place-based transformative pathways toward sustainability in the Brazilian Amazon
ERLACS, Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Open Access, scientific journal.
It publishes peer-reviewed articles in English and Spanish
CEDLAFilms on YouTube
CEDLA has a broad and interdisciplinary offer in lectures. Our events are free and open to everybody. Find them on our YouTube channel!
Onderzoek naar Latijns-Amerika
Het bevorderen van onderzoek naar Latijns- Amerika in Nederland en het ondersteunen in brede zin van de doelstellingen van het CEDLA