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Diálogos con Leyner Palacios: reporte final de la Comisión colombiana de la Verdad desde la perspectiva étnica

Este conversatorio es una oportunidad para establecer un diálogo entre la academia, las organizaciones e instituciones interesadas y la diáspora colombiana/latinoamericana en Países

Bajos, sobre el informe final de la CEV. Durante la actividad se abordarán los principales hallazgos del informe y las recomendaciones con un enfoque particular en los aspectos étnicos: racismo estructural; violencias contra los pueblos originarios mediante la imposición cultural ideológica; discriminación racial y negación del pueblo negro y persecución cultural del pueblo gitano.




Las luchas por frenar las actividades petroleras: Los casos de Ecuador, Colombia y Holanda

Activista colombiana - Comité AguaWil - Colombia Libre de Fracking - Afrowilches

Socióloga ecuatoriana e Investigadora de doctorado en el CEDLA

ORGANIZADORES: Milieudefensie, IUCN Nederlands Comité, NALACS & CEDLA




Robert-Jan Friele presenteert zijn boek De Pizarro's: Eén familie, drie generaties en honderd jaar strijd in Colombia

De Pizarro’s is een fascinerende familiekroniek die de dramatische geschiedenis van een heel land vertelt. Door de ogen van drie generaties en via tientallen levendige verhalen ontrolt een eeuw Colombia zich op meeslepende wijze. Nergens komt de Colombiaanse geschiedenis zo samen als in de familie Pizarro. De vader is de opperbevelhebber van het leger en gelooft in de instituties. Zijn zoons en dochter worden guerrillero’s en prediken de revolutie. Tegen de achtergrond van de Koude Oorlog en de opkomst van de cocaïnehandel streven de Pizarro’s, elk op een eigen manier, naar een rechtvaardiger Colombia.




In the Name of Christ: Violence, Religion, and Politics in Post-Revolutionary Mexico

What were the political and cultural drivers that contributed to shaping Catholics’ understanding of violence as a legitimate means to defend their religious practices and beliefs in post-revolutionary Mexico? In this talk, Dr. Gema Santamaria will focus on the 1930s-1950s, a period marked by the end of the Cristero War (1927-1929) - Mexico’s armed conflict over the religious question - and the so-called détente between the Mexican state and the Catholic Church. Despite the Church’s official rejection of the use of violence amongst the faithful, during this period Catholics continued to engage in belligerent and violent forms of religious militancy in the name of Christ and religious freedom. 




Unpacking the migrant / non-migrant relation: Key lessons from Ecuador and Italy

How does the relation between migrants and (so-called) non-migrants evolve over time? In a historical period of unprecedented infrastructures for migrants' transnational connections, the risk exists to overstate migrants' engagement in their communities of origin, and neglect the gaps emerging in space and time between movers and stayers. As migrants realize upon return, the ‘normality’ of life in their hometowns is not fundamentally questioned by migration, unless after especially critical events.

Image by Sharon McCutcheon



A Body of One’s Own: Trans Embodiment Technologies and Knowledge Production in Argentina

Unlike other countries where gender affirmation surgery access was restricted but still allowed under certain conditions, Argentina has prohibited any treatment that affected reproductive organs since 1967. Different legal codes have penalised people dressed as the “opposite sex” since the 1930s. This criminalisation has threatened trans people’s right to existence and made gender affirmation practices clandestine, expensive and dangerous.




Conocimientos indígenas. Repensando las políticas globales
de cambio climático en Colombia 

El cambio climático global y los posteriores procesos de mitigación y adaptación son temas que trascienden los contextos locales y requieren la interacción de diferentes conocimientos, ideas y prácticas. Sin embargo, las acciones globales contra el CC han estado sustentadas por un solo tipo de conocimiento.




Can social policy manipulation be avoided? 
Combating clientelism through policy design in Mexico

How does clientelism affect contemporary policymaking? To better understand and explain the relationship between clientelism and the quality of policy output in the case of Mexico, Saskia Ruth-Lovell analyses policy design and identifies ways to curb clientelism through the letter of the law.

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