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  • CEDLA | China-LAC: China's role in Latin America and the Caribbean | University of Amsterdam

    China’s Economic and Political Role in Latin America DOWNLOAD This report aims to answer the questions: How has China’s role in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region developed, and, especially, what have been the nature and impact of recent economic and political relations between China and Latin American countries, as well as perceptions and reactions in the region? This is the first of three reports prepared for the China Knowledge Network (CKN) . The research for and the production of the reports was carried out within the framework agreement for the CKN. The aim of the CKN is to promote strategic knowledge development about China for the national government of the Netherlands. Responsibility for the content and for the opinions expressed rests solely with the authors and does not constitute, and should not be construed as, an endorsement by the Secretariat of the China Knowledge Network and/or the commissioning ministries. This CEDLA report is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY 4.0 Licence ), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Copyright is retained by the authors. Recommended citation: Hogenboom, B., Baud, M., Gonzalez-Vicente, R. and Steinhöfel, D. (2022), China’s Economic and Political Role in Latin America (China’s Role in Latin America and the Caribbean, No. 1), Amsterdam: CEDLA–UvA. About the authors Barbara Hogenboom is Professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Amsterdam and Director of the Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation (CEDLA). She is Managing Editor of the European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (ERLACS). Michiel Baud is Professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Amsterdam and former Director of CEDLA (2000–2017). Previously, he was Professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Leiden (1995–2000). Ruben Gonzalez-Vicente is Associate Professor in Political Economy at the University of Birmingham. He previously worked at the City University of Hong Kong (2012–2016) and the University of Leiden (2017–2021). He is Editor at The People’s Map of Global China. Diego Steinhöfel is Research Assistant at CEDLA–UvA. He previously worked at Brot für die Welt (2021) and at German Development Cooperation, GIZ (2016–2019). He graduated in Latin American Studies from CEDLA. ​ The authors want to thank Javier Corrales, Rogier Creemers, Juan Pablo Hidalgo, Kees Koonings and Karolien van Teijlingen for their insights, which have helped to shape this report. Design and Layout: Miren Zubizarreta. China’s Economic and Political Role in Latin America BARBARA HOGENBOOM MICHIEL BAUD RUBEN GONZALEZ-VICENTE DIEGO STEINHÖFEL PLEASE FIND HERE THE THREE REPORTS OF THIS RESEARCH: China’s Economic and Political Role in Latin America BARBARA HOGENBOOM MICHIEL BAUD RUBEN GONZALEZ-VICENTE DIEGO STEINHÖFEL China’s Economic and Political Role in the Caribbean and Central America MICHIEL BAUD BARBARA HOGENBOOM RUBEN GONZALEZ-VICENTE RENSKE PIN DIEGO STEINHÖFEL China's engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean: Geopolitical challenges and the role of the EU BARBARA HOGENBOOM MICHIEL BAUD DIEGO STEINHÖFEL DOCTORAL THESES INAUGURAL AND VALEDICTORY SPEECHES CEDLA ANNUAL REPORTS PROJECT PUBLICATIONS

  • CEDLA | Master's Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    Editorial CEDLA Publications CEDLA hosts the academic peer-reviewed open access journal ERLACS – European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe – that is published twice a year, in print and online. Scholars from all across the globe contribute articles to ERLACS that reflect substantial empirical research and/or innovative theoretical contributions with respect to major scholarly debates. In association with Berghahn Books, CEDLA also published the book series CEDLA Latin America Studies (CLAS), which consists of monographs and edited volumes. ​ The 'Cuadernos del CEDLA' series is meant to present research in progress and aims at the quick distribution of research results connected to the CEDLA research programme. In this way, it provides a forum for distributing and discussing ongoing research. In this section dedicated to CEDLA's publications you can also find: ​​ Doctoral Theses Inaugural and Valedictory Speeches Project Publication Annual reports ERLACS – European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies CLAS Books Cuadernos Doctoral Theses Inaugural and Valedictory Speeches Project Publication Annual Reports MLAS Final Theses

  • CEDLA | Master's Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    CEDLA Events 2020 feb 14 Urban floods and the political ecology of the state in Brazil Robert Coates, Wageningen University The governance of hazardous urban environments has become a critical area for state intervention across Latin America and worldwide. Brazil is no exception, with significant flood and landslide disasters blighting many cities and especially those in the heavily urbanised Atlantic Forest biome. In this presentation, Robert Coates questions what hazardous urbanisation means for processes of citizenship building and the exercise of state power. Drawing on longstanding research in inland Rio de Janeiro and elsewhere, he asks why the failures of past urban engineering, population displacements, and environmental monitoring continue to justify the same interventions as solutions. And why is state citizenship without a reappraisal of urban nature likely to continue reproducing hazards and disasters?

  • CEDLA | Master's Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    aerial view of beach during daytime_edited.jpg CEDLA - UvA Master's in Latin American Studies In the advanced Master's in Latin American Studies you will study social transformations through a multi-disciplinary lens, including a broad range of social science disciplines. You will design your own research plan, do field research in this exciting region and become a critical academic. The Master's in Latin American Studies is research-driven, small-scale and internationally oriented. ​ You will delve into the most recent developments in the region and learn about topics like the new wave of economic, social and political crises that deepen inequality, insecurity and unsustainability. On the other hand you will also discuss innovative practices by indigenous and other social movements in rural and urban spaces that offer new hopes for social transformations in Latin America. The Master's in Latin American Studies provides a solid foundation for a career in research or academia, with civil society agencies, governmental and non-governmental organisations, and at research institutions both in the Netherlands and abroad. In addition, the Master's in Latin American Studies degree has proven to serve as a good starting point for pursuing a PhD. +INFO STUDY SCHEDULE - YEAR 1 PROGRAMME Introduction to Latin American Studies Latin American Studies: Deepening the Debates Interdisciplinary Methods Research on Latin American Societies Restricted-choice electives Master's Thesis Tutoring and Study Guidance ELECTIVES Approaches to Popular Culture in Latin America: Researching Heritage and Worldmaking Socio-Environmental Changes in Latin America: Power, Participation and Governance Tutorial Latin American Studies Studying at CEDLA In this video, teachers and students of the Master’s Latin American Studies share their experiences with the study programme at the University of Amsterdam. CEDLA is considered to be one of Europe’s leading Latin American Studies institutes. Its staff members are experienced researchers and qualified teachers. CEDLA has a large library with a unique collection. Facilities such as student work stations, internet and computer access, and lecture rooms are excellent. CEDLA is pivotal to the Latin American Studies community in the Netherlands. It publishes an academic journal (ERLACS), organises monthly lectures, dialogues, and many other events. It also houses the Netherlands Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (NALACS) and the Latin American Studies Programme (LASP). APPLY NOW ​ The application deadlines are as follows: 1 April 2024 EEA and non-EEA students who wish to apply for student housing. 1 May 2024 Non-EEA students who need an entry/student visa for the Netherlands but do not wish to apply for student housing. 1 July 2024 EEA students who do not need student housing. ¿Buscas un programa asequible para desarrollar tu investigación académica sobre Latinoamérica? ¡Ven a CEDLA, la pequeña América Latina en Ámsterdam! El programa avanzado de Maestría en Estudios Latinoamericanos (MLAS) de la Universidad de Ámsterdam cuesta 3000 euros al año y te ayudará a generar un pensamiento crítico sobre la región, y elaborar planes de investigación social y académicamente que te permitan un trabajo de campo exitoso en América Latina. A través de una lente interdisciplinaria, aprenderás sobre las transformaciones sociales, mientras diseñas tu propio proyecto en esta dinámica región. Todos los estudiantes del programa de maestría serán elegibles para una beca de investigación de 1000 euros para cubrir parte de los costos de su trabajo de campo. Además puedes aplicar a una beca adicional, disponible para estudiantes afiliados a uno de nuestros proyectos de investigación MLAS. Nuestra matrícula reducida nos permite generar un espacio único de intercambio Global Norte-Sur, donde capacitar tus habilidades académicas en Europa para aplicarlas en América Latina. ¡Este puede ser tu año para vivir en dos lugares emocionantes a través de crear un proyecto académico de investigación! Inscripciones abiertas hasta el 1 de abril. +INFO +INFO FINAL THESES Here you can find examples of MLAS final theses. These theses represent many topics and different realities in Latin America. The programme provides you with critical knowledge, academic skills and an in-depth understanding of the academic literature. You are trained to become a social science researcher who is able to conduct research out in the field, in Latin America, and whose research will contribute to our knowledge of currents trends in that area. FINAL THESES

  • RIVERHOOD. Living Rivers and the New Water Justice Movements

    New CEDLA - UvA Projects We are happy to announce that the ERC Consolidator Grant proposal of Prof. dr. Rutgerd Boelens (CEDLA - UvA) has been accepted by EU Horizon 2020 “RIVERHOOD. Living Rivers and the New Water Justice Movements: From Dominating Waterscapes to the Rights of Nature” It is a 5-years project that will study ‘riverhood’ and ‘translocal water justice movements’ in Europe and Latin America. This project will be coordinated from the Wageningen University (WUR) with an strong bridge to CEDLA-UvA. The proposal counted also with invaluable inputs from many of the CEDLA's research team. We are specially glad because the proposal’s evaluation was graded as ‘excellent’ and ‘exceptional’. The project will start in Spring 2021. The project includes 4 fully financed PhDs and the means to develop, among other activities, ‘environmental justice labs’ in The Netherlands, Spain, Ecuador and Colombia, with a large number of grassroots, academic and policy-making partners. The total grant is 2 million euros. ABSTRACT: “RIVERHOOD will study, conceptualize and support evolving water justice movements that struggle for enlivening rivers. Notwithstanding rivers’ fundamental importance for social and natural well-being, around the world, mega-damming, pollution, and multiple forms of domesticating are putting riverine systems under great stress. Expert ontologies and epistemologies have become cornerstones of powerful hydraulic-bureaucratic administrations (‘hydrocracies’). Recently, worldwide, a large variety of ‘new water justice movements’ (NWJMs) have proliferated. These are transdisciplinary, multi-actor and multi-scalar coalitions. They deploy alternative river-society ontologies and practices, challenging hydrocracies’ paradigms to foster environmental justice. They translate global notions into local ones and vice versa. New, exciting strategies include, among others, New Water Culture and Rights of Nature notions. European NWJMs co-learn with peers in Ecuador and Colombia were rivers are legal and political subjects. NWJMs hold immense potential for contributing to a radically new, equitable and nature-rooted water governance, but are undertheorized, largely unnoticed by natural and social sciences, and excluded from policy-making. Science and policies lack approaches to engage with rivers as arenas of co-production among humans and nature. RIVERHOOD will develop a new analytical framework to study NWJMs and ‘riverhoods’. Through 4 cross-cultural PhD studies, 8 cases in Ecuador, Colombia, Spain and the Netherlands are investigated. At each site ‘Environmental Justice Labs’ will be organized: a novel approach to comprehend pluriversal water worlds and foster knowledge co-creation and democratization.” Rutgerd Boelens is Professor 'Political Ecology of Water in Latin America' holding a part-time special chair with CEDLA and the University of Amsterdam (Fac. Social and Behavioral Sciences FMG/GPIO and Fac. Humanities). He also works as Professor Water Governance and Social Justice at Wageningen University (Environmental Sciences Group, Water Resources Management), and is Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of Peru and the Central University of Ecuador. He directs the international Justicia Hídrica /Water Justice alliance, engaged with comparative research and training on water accumulation, conflict and civil society action.

  • CEDLA | Master's Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    Image by JJ Ying CEDLA Current PhD Candidates Vincenzo Carbone LINKAGES - Local and Indigenous Knowledge for an Amazonian Grounded (Bio)Economy RESEARCH Antonia McGrath The role that civil society organizations play within the governance arrangements of Honduras’ urban margins RESEARCH Lieke Prins Creative Hangouts in Urban Spaces: Unravelling and creating socially and politically driven street art in Colombia RESEARCH Laura Ximena Triana Gallego From Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to Bogotá: Cultural agency and political achievements from indigenous communities in visual narratives RESEARCH Mirtha Lorena del Castillo Gentrification and Urban dynamics in Latin America RESEARCH Raquel Salinas Peixoto Navigating the legal and imagined spaces that contour the care of unaccompanied child migrants in Central America and the Mediterranean RESEARCH Johann Sebastian Reyes Bejarano Peasant struggles, water justice, and the commons. Environmental justice and the agrarian movements of the Sumapaz River Basin in Colombia and re-commoning processes on nature and water RESEARCH Carolina Valladares Pasquel The politics of ideas for leaving fossil fuels underground. The cases of Ecuador and The Netherlands RESEARCH Barbara Haenen Nation-building on the periphery: state and church in the Colombian and Peruvian Amazon RESEARCH Geraldine Lamadrid Guerrero The Relief Zone: Theatre Based Research in the Political Violence Context of Veracruz RESEARCH Hannah Porada Building Bridges Bottom-Up? Extractive Activities, Hydrosocial Territories and Building Bridges between Guatemala and The Netherlands RESEARCH Luisa González Valencia Colombian Popular Cinemas RESEARCH Isa Mollinger Migration and b/ordering processes in informal neighborhoods in Latin American cities RESEARCH Tatiana Roa Avendaño The path from resistance towards alternatives to development. Three Colombian experiences RESEARCH

  • CEDLA Publications | Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    Image by Rohan Rangaswami Completed PhD Projects at CEDLA Next to its team of researchers, CEDLA hosts a number of PhD students and fellows, and occasionally appoints temporary staff members for specific research projects. CEDLA researchers are involved in multiple research networks with Latin American and other international researchers and institutions. GABRIELA RUSSO LOPES Forest-making in agrarian frontiers: place-based transformative pathways toward sustainability in the Brazilian Amazon GIJS CREMERS Voices from the landscape LILIA VENEGAS AGUILERA Mujeres del Partido Acción Nacional JUAN PABLO HIDALGO BASTIDAS Agua, poder y tecnología BIBIANA DUARTE ABADIA Imaginarios hidrosociales CRISTINA BASTIDAS Luchas por la justicia en la educación MILTON FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ RODRÍGUEZ Histrionic indigeneity LUCÍA GALARZA SUÁREZ Toxic Tropics KAROLIEN VAN TEIJLINGEN Mining in the land of Buen Vivir JULIENNE WEEGELS Performing prison IRENE ARENDS Digital youth spaces in Chile JUANITA ROCA SÁNCHEZ ​ The making of the global indigenous movement ALEXIS SOSSA Bodies, societies and culture ESTEBAN RAMÍREZ HINCAPIÉ Sin historia no hay cámara Join our mailing list! To ensure that you don't miss out on events, exhibitions, engaging educational programs, latest courses, research, publications and other news, please join our mailing list today! We will not spam your mailbox, but send you a newsletter around twice per month. JOIN ERLACS – European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies CLAS Books Cuadernos Doctoral Theses Inaugural and Valedictory Speeches Project Publication Annual Reports MLAS Final Theses

  • Mirko van Pampus | CEDLA Latin American Studies | Amsterdam

    CEDLA Researchers Mirko van Pampus Research Assistant RESEARCH THEME: POLITICAL ECONOMY AND POLITICAL ECOLOGY Mirko is research assistant at CEDLA. He is a political economist with a BSc in Bèta-Gamma (UvA, major International Relations), a MSc in Development Studies (SOAS) and a MA in Latin American Studies (CEDLA). He lived in Brazil for five years working in research and education before moving back to Europe in 2021. RESEARCH INTEREST The research of Mirko lies at the intersection of political economy and political ecology. During his masters at CEDLA he studied governance and conflict in Chilean lithium mining. He then coordinated the interdisciplinary ENLENS (research project into mining and the energy transition, again in Chile. Currently as research assistant to Barbara Hogenboom . Mirko is expanding his research into sustainable and unsustainable forms of mining for the energy transition in the so-called lithium triangle in South America. FEATURED PUBLICATIONS Van Pampus, M., Hogenboom, B., Hoorn, C., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2023). Uncertainties in the debate on the environmental impact of lithium brine extraction in the Salar de Atacama, Chile. Evolving Earth, 100024.

  • CEDLA | Master's Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    1/3 ​ Welcome to our new website! ​ ​ join us LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES LASP ​ The Latin American Studies Programme (LASP) is an interuniversity graduate programme dedicated to research and graduate education on Latin America in the Netherlands. ​ COVID-19 IN LATIN AMERICA CEDLA blog series ​ CEDLA researchers and students have been developing several initiatives to assess and discuss the ways in which COVID-19 is affecting Latin American Societies. ​ CEDLA COURSES Education Programme 2020-21 ​ The courses are accessible for students of all Dutch universities and in some cases at a fee also for others interested. Find your courses here: BACHELOR COURSES - MASTER COURSES ​ EVENTS Las charlas del CEDLA ​ CEDLA has a broad and interdisciplinary offer in lectures. Our events are free and open to everybody. ​ ​ ​

  • CEDLA | Master's Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    CEDLA Events 2020 oct 9 Pandemia, Neoextractivismos y Propuestas Alternativas desde el Sur Maristella Svampa, Universidad Nacional de la Plata Vivimos un contexto de exacerbación del neoextractivismo y de la comoditización de la naturaleza, que se articula con una regresión política global, no solo en los países del Norte sino también en el Sur global. La pandemia y la invisibilización de sus causas socioambientales, agregan una capa más de espesor a la crisis que atraviesa la humanidad y América Latina en particular (como epicentro actual de la misma), entre la extensión del confinamiento, la concentración de la riqueza y la explosión de las desigualdades. Todo esto conlleva el desafío de pensar propuestas integrales que articulen la justicia social con la justicia socioecológica. En esa línea, proponemos presentar y analizar los desafíos del Pacto Ecosocial e Intercultural del Sur, elaborado desde América Latina, propuesta que venimos impulsando con diferentes colegas, activistas y organizaciones sociales de la región. Nos interesa reflexionar sobre los diferentes ejes de la misma: paradigma de los cuidados, agenda de justicia social o redistributiva, las diferentes aristas de la agenda de transición socioecológica, y la agenda de la autonomía y democracia. Para ello, haremos particular énfasis en el alcance de los enfoques relacionales en el vínculo sociedad/naturaleza, asociados con las luchas sociales y las alternativas civilizatorias, a saber, las perspectivas indianistas (Derechos de la Naturaleza), así como los feminismos populares/ecofeminismos y la economía feminista en América Latina (paradigma de los cuidados).

  • CEDLA Publications | Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    CEDLA Inaugural and Valedictory Speeches Brazilië als paradigma? Ontwikkeling, ongelijkheid en democratie in de ‘B’ van BRICS Uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar Brazilië Studies aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op donderdag 29 maart 2012 door Kees Koonings ​ Confianza: Governance and Trust in Latin America and the Netherlands Valedictory lecture given by Michiel Baud, Professor in Latin American Studies at the University of Amsterdam. 23 November 2018 Water Justice In Latin America: The Politics of Difference, Equality, and Indifference Inaugural Lecture uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar Political Ecology of Water in Latin America aan de Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen van de Universiteit van Amsterdam op donderdag 21 mei 2015 door Rutgerd Boelens Minerals, Power, Imagination: Latin America and the World Inaugural Lecture / Rede uitgesproken ter gelegenheid van de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar Latijns Amerika Studies aan de Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen van de Universiteit van Amsterdam op vrijdag 14 juni 2019 door Barbara Hogenboom Minerals, Power, Imagination: Latin America and the World BARBARA HOGENBOOM Water Justice in Latin America: The Politics of Difference, Equality, and Indifference RUDGERD BOELENS Confianza: Governance and Trust in Latin America and the Netherlands MICHIEL BAUD Brazilië als paradigma? Ontwikkeling, ongelijkheid en democratie in de ‘B’ van BRICS KEES KOONINGS Barbara-Hogenboom-Inaugural-Lecture-Luisa-Machacon-Photography-22.jpg ERLACS – European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies CLAS Books Cuadernos Doctoral Theses Inaugural and Valedictory Speeches Project Publication Annual Reports MLAS Final Theses

  • CEDLA | China-LAC | Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    China's role in Latin America and the Caribbean These three reports were prepared for the China Knowledge Network (CKN) . The research for and the production of the reports was carried out within the framework agreement for the CKN. The aim of the CKN is to promote strategic knowledge development about China for the national government of the Netherlands. Responsibility for the content and for the opinions expressed rests solely with the authors and does not constitute, and should not be construed as, an endorsement by the Secretariat of the China Knowledge Network and/or the commissioning ministries. These CEDLA reports are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY 4.0 Licence ), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Copyright is retained by the authors. About the authors Barbara Hogenboom is Professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Amsterdam and Director of the Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation (CEDLA). She is Managing Editor of the European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (ERLACS). Michiel Baud is Professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Amsterdam and former Director of CEDLA (2000–2017). Previously, he was Professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Leiden (1995–2000). Ruben Gonzalez-Vicente is Associate Professor in Political Economy at the University of Birmingham. He previously worked at the City University of Hong Kong (2012–2016) and the University of Leiden (2017–2021). He is Editor at The People’s Map of Global China. Diego Steinhöfel is Research Assistant at CEDLA–UvA. He previously worked at Brot für die Welt (2021) and at German Development Cooperation, GIZ (2016–2019). He graduated in Latin American Studies from CEDLA. Renske Pin was raised in Curaçao. She works as an independent researcher for, and with, various knowledge institutes in the Caribbean region and founded RE-Quest Research & Consultancy. She worked as an Associated Professor at the University of the Netherlands Antilles and has a MSc diploma in Communication Sciences and a PhD in Behavioural Sciences. China’s Economic and Political Role in Latin America BARBARA HOGENBOOM MICHIEL BAUD RUBEN GONZALEZ-VICENTE DIEGO STEINHÖFEL China’s Economic and Political Role in the Caribbean and Central America MICHIEL BAUD BARBARA HOGENBOOM RUBEN GONZALEZ-VICENTE RENSKE PIN DIEGO STEINHÖFEL China's engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean: Geopolitical challenges and the role of the EU BARBARA HOGENBOOM MICHIEL BAUD DIEGO STEINHÖFEL

  • CEDLA Research Projects | Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    CEDLA Research Projects River commons are networked socio-ecological systems that integrate the social (human) and natural (ecological, biophysical) communities to practice river stewardship. In both the Global South and North, a large variety of civil organisations and “new water justice movements” have emerged that engage in co-governance of river commons. The River Commons research and action program is about learning from and with these initiatives and communities. Several CEDLA researchers participate in this WU-based project, which is coordinated by Prof. dr. Rutgerd Boelens. +INFO From "river rewilding" to re-generating and re-animating river systems in its broadest sense RIVER COMMONS River Commons CEDLA-Wageningen video Local and Indigenous Knowledge for an Amazonian Grounded (Bio) Economy LINKAGES. Local and Indigenous Knowledge for an Amazonian Grounded (Bio) Economy Principal Investigators: dr. Fabio de Castro (University of Amsterdam) and dr. Celia Futemma (UNICAMP Universidade Estadual de Campinas) Consortium partners, including cooperation partners: Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA), Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), Imaflora, Projeto Saúde e Alegria (PSA), Cooperativa Agrícola Mista de Tomé-Açu (CAMTA), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) LINKAGES addresses how value-chains of sociobiodiversity products, grounded in local knowledge and produced in forest, agroforestry, and floodplain-lakes, can support local economies and regional transformation towards sustainable, inclusive bioeconomies for the Brazilian Amazon. Built upon long-term commitment to the region, a transdisciplinary consortium including researchers, farmers, and practitioners will analyse the organisation and functioning of place-based value-chains (açaí, cacao, tropical fruits, timber/non-timber products, and the arapaima fish) and their economic and environmental impacts at local and municipal levels. The project will co-produce knowledge to advance economic, environmental, and administrative and technical performance improving value-aggregation, benefit sharing, and landscape outcomes. LINKAGES Leave Fossil Fuels Underground LFFU This project analyses, develops and shares successful strategies and arguments on ‘Leaving Fossil Fuels Underground’ (LFFU) emerging from Africa and Latin America at multiple levels of governance. We assess these LFFU initiatives - with a special focus on LFFU in South Africa and Ecuador and their potential for upscaling in other countries and regions. The climate challenge requires aglobal phase out of fossil fuels and calls for a global transition. Through aprocess of co-creating new knowledge with various stakeholders as well as connecting to, and expanding, existing networks, this project expects to have positive impact on the promotion of LFFU. +INFO Building the Movement of Resistance to Oil: Lessons From the Ecuadorian Amazon This video was made made by IUCN NL during our visit to Ecuador for the kick -off meeting of LFFU in 2018. Their project ‘Building the Movement of resistance to Oil’ is linked to partners from Uganda and Congo. Previous Research Projects Amazonian Governance to Enable Transformations to Sustainability AGENTS A collaborative research action funded by the NORFACE–Belmont Forum Transformations to Sustainability (T2S) programme (2018-2021) , composed of six partner organizations from Brazil, USA, The Netherlands and Sweden. AGENTS is grounded in participatory, comparative and multi-scale perspective, and combines social science, forestry science and spatial analysis. While government-driven solutions are commonly viewed as the route to sustainability, a large range of sustainable forest practices the Amazon emerge from individual and collective initiatives. +INFO RRING Responsible Research and Innovation Networking Globally A collaborative research project funded by the Horizon2020 Programme (2018-2021), including 21 organizations coordinated by University College Cork in Ireland, to develop a global network to promote mutual learning and collaboration in RRI, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a global common denominator. The CEDLA team, composed by Dr. Fabio de Castro (coordinator) and Prof. Dr. Barbara Hogenboom , will contribute to RRING mainly in the Work Pakage 3 Global State of the Art (SoA) on RRI by key Geographies. +INFO Vista aérea del río curvo

  • CEDLA | Master's Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    Cuaderno y lápiz Los Cuadernos del CEDLA The 'Cuadernos del CEDLA' series is meant to present research in progress and aims at the quick distribution of research results connected to the CEDLA research programme. In this way, it provides a forum for distributing and discussing ongoing research. Please find here the complete collection of the CEDLA Cuadernos downloadable in pdf: ​ The Political Influence of the Latin American Military Dirk Kruijt ​ ​ Cuaderno 30 The Political Influence of the Latin American Military Dirk Kruijt ​ ​ Cuaderno 30 Please find here the complete list of 'Cuadernos del CEDLA' The Political Influence of the Latin American Military Dirk Kruijt ​ Cuad. 30 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Het 50-jarig jubileum uitgave van CEDLA 1964-2014 ​ Marc Simon Thomas ​ Cuad. 29 ​ ​ ​ ​ What is the Future for Amazonia? Pitou van Dijck ​ Cuad. 28 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ The Extraction and Conservation of Natural Resources in South America ​ F. Castro P. van Dijck, B. Hogenboom ​ Cuad. 27 ​ ​ ​ Small-Scale Gold Mining in the Amazon Leontien Cremers Judith Kolen Marjo de Theije ​ Cuad. 26 ​ ​ ​ Andeans and their Use of Cultural Resources ​ Arij Ouweneel ​ Cuad. 25 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Legal pluralism and interlegality in Ecuador ​ Marc Simon Thomas ​ Cuad. 24 ​ ​ ​ ​ Policía, seguridad y transición política Acercamientos al estado del México contemporáneo J.C. G. Aguiar M.E. Suárez ​ Cuad. 23 ​ ​ Maize and Biosecurity in Mexico Edit Antal Lauren Baker Gerard Verschoor Cuad. 22 ​ ​ ​ Construcción Problemática: IIRSA y las Asociaciones Público-Privadas en la Infraestructura Vial Pitou van Dijck Simon den Haak ​ Cuad. 21 ​ Troublesome Construction: IIRSA and Public-Private Partnerships in Road Infrastructure ​ Pitou van Dijck Simon den Haak ​ Cuad. 20 ​ The Price of Peace, The Human Rights Movement in Postwar El Salvador Ralph Sprenkels ​ Cuad. 19 ​ ​ ​ Colombia from the Inside, Perspectives on Drugs, War and Peace Michiel Baud Donny Meertens ​ Cuad. 18 The Acção Integralista Brasileira and the Failed Quest for a Fascist Order in the 1930s Marcus Klein ​ Cuad. 17 Cruzando Fronteras en América Latina ​ ​ G. O’Donnell C. H. de Alcántara A. Escobar ​ Cuad. 16 ​ ​ Microfinance in Nicaragua Pitou van Dijck Hans Nusselder Arie Sanders ​ ​ Cuad. 15 Microfinanzas en Nicaragua Pitou van Dijck, Hans Nusselder y Arie Sanders ​ Cuad. 14 ​ Cross-border Activism and Its Limits B. Hogenboom M.A. Cohen E. Antal ​ Cuad. 13 Intelectuales y sus utopías, Indigenismo y la imaginación de América Latina Michiel Baud ​ Cuad. 12 The Andean Exodus Ton Salman Annelies Zoomers ​ Cuad. 11 ​ ​ The Psychology of the Faceless Warriors Arij Ouweneel ​ Cuad. 10 Ten Years of Mercosur P. van Dijck M.Wiesebron ​ Cuad. 9 The Suriname economy ​ Pitou van Dijck ​ Cuad. 8 ​ Meeting Asia and Latin America in a New Setting Pitou van Dijck ​ Cuad. 7 Platgetreden Paden. Over het Erfgoed van de Indianen Arij Ouweneel ​ Cuad. 6 ​ ​ ​ The Inca and Corpus Christi: The Feast of Santiago in Colonial Cuzco David Cahill ​ Cuad. 5 ​ ​ ​ Livelihood Strategies and Development Interventions in the Southern Andes of Bolivia Annelies Zoomers ​ Cuad. 4 ​ The Bolivian Experiment: Structural Adjustment and Poverty Alleviation Pitou van Dijck ​ Cuad. 3 ​ ​ Modern Traditions: the Otavaleños of Ecuador Jeroen Windmeijer ​ Cuad. 2 ​ ​ ​ ​ Las Tierras de los Pueblos de Indios en el Altiplano de México, 1560-1920 Arij Ouweneel Rik Hoekstra ​ Cuad. 1 ​ ​ ERLACS – European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies CLAS Books Cuadernos Doctoral Theses Inaugural and Valedictory Speeches Project Publication Annual Reports MLAS Final Theses Join our mailing list! To ensure that you don't miss out on events, exhibitions, engaging educational programs, latest courses, research, publications and other news, please join our mailing list today! We will not spam your mailbox, but send you a newsletter around twice per month. JOIN

  • CEDLA | Master's Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    CEDLA Events 2021 APR 30 Transformation to Sustainability in the Amazon: The Role of Place-Based Farming Initiatives Prof. Eduardo Brondizio Indiana University-Bloomington Discussant Dr. Antonio Ioris Cardiff University ​ This presentation reflects on the opportunities and challenges of place-based sustainability initiatives in the Amazon in light of development inequalities, global markets, and climate change. The context is set with an overview of the findings of the Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). It then introduces the AGENTS project (Amazonian Governance to Enable Transformation to Sustainability), which has been documenting local-level initiatives across the Brazilian Amazon. These are place-based initiatives in rural areas pursuing changes in productive systems, governance arrangements, value-aggregation and access to markets with the goals of improving living standards and environmental sustainability. The presentation examines challenges and opportunities for local initiatives at the intersection with historical and current trends in economic development and policies in the region. ​ This lecture took place on 30 April 2021 as part of the CEDLA Lecture Series. Join our mailing list! To ensure that you don't miss out on events, exhibitions, engaging educational programs, latest courses, research, publications and other news, please join our mailing list today! We will not spam your mailbox, but send you a newsletter around twice per month. JOIN

  • CEDLA | Master's Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    Fabio-de-Castro-CEDLA-University-of-Amsterdam (UvA)-Latin-American-Studies Fabio de Castro is senior lecturer at CEDLA, the Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam (UvA). He is coordinator of the Master Programme in Latin American Studies and chair of the Netherlands Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (NALACS). CEDLA Researchers Dr Fabio de Castro Assistant Professor RESEARCH THEME: BRAZILIAN STUDIES & HUMAN ECOLOGY Fábio de Castro is Assistant Professor of Brazilian Studies. He is an environmental anthropologist with MSc in Ecology in 1992 (State University of Campinas, Brazil) and PhD in Environmental Science/Anthropology in 2000 (Indiana University, USA). Fábio has research experience with academic, non-governmental and governmental organizations in Brazil and in the United States. He is a collaborating researcher at the Anthropological Center for Training and Research on Global Environmental Change (Indiana University, USA), and at the Center for Maritime Research (MARE), University of Amsterdam). Fábio is interested in the socio-ecological processes shaping patterns of resource use and management. His research focuses on local governance of natural resource and the dilemma between conservation and development goals at local and broader scales. His interdisciplinary background is reflected in his theoretical and methodological approach, combining ethnographic, historical, socioeconomic, institutional and ecological data to understand how patterns of resource use are shaped and transformed. Fábio is particularly interested in the connections between processes across socio-ecological scales, and how partnerships between users, government and private sectors influence resource conservation. See more details at the personal page at UvA website +INFO RESEARCH INTEREST Fábio de Castro has conducted research in many different sites in the Amazon and Atlantic Forest in Brazil. He is currently working on two main projects: 1) Political ecology of the implementation of agro-extractive reserves in the Amazonian floodplain a. Institutional arrangement of co-management systems b. Participatory and collaborative process c. Social and ecological performance of the reserves 2) Socio-ecological dimension of the biodiesel program in Brazil a. Institutional framework of the biodiesel program b. Social relations between farmers, biodiesel producers and the governmental agencies c. Economic and social performance of the feedstock production (oil seeds) by small farmers 3) Territorial governance of protected areas in Brazil a. Compilation of protected areas b. Institutional arrangement of different categories of protected areas c. Comparison with land governance for agrarian development NEW RESEARCH PROJECT: LINKAGES. Local and Indigenous Knowledge for an Amazonian Grounded (Bio) Economy Principal Investigators: dr. Fabio de Castro (University of Amsterdam) and dr. Celia Futemma (UNICAMP Universidade Estadual de Campinas) LINKAGES is a 5-year project of EUR 1 million, co-funded by the Dutch (NWO) and Brazilian (FAPESP) agencies. The transdisciplinary consortium comprises of long-term local partners, and has a critical perspective to the 'bioeconomy' narrative in the Brazilian Amazon. The coordination is composed by CEDLA (Fábio de Castro) and UNICAMP (Celia Futemma), supported by two Co-PIs (Marjo de Theije, Vrij Universiteit) and Eduardo Brondizio (Indiana University). The project is a follow up of AGENTS which will end in September 2022 and LINKAGES is planned to be launched in the same month. The project will have 4 PhDs. +INFO 1er Congreso Latinoamericano IASC Vean la grabación del PANEL organizado por Dr. Fábio de Castro (CEDLA): Contribución Latinoamericana a los Debates Teóricos sobre Bienes Comunes El propósito de este panel es explorar cómo el contexto latinoamericano puede contribuir a la construcción teórica de los bienes comunes. Por un lado, la región se caracteriza por una historia de desigualdad, violencia y baja calidad democrática que ha apoyado procesos de “descomunización”; por otro lado, la región tiene una historia de resistencia política, creatividad social y diversidad cultural que ha apoyado procesos de ‘recomunización’. GRABACIÓN DEL EVENTO

  • CEDLA Publications | Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    CEDLA Books On this page you can find our most precious books: doctoral theses of our PhD's students, inaugural and valedictory speeches, special reports and publications from our researchers, etc. Please visit this page often. It does not stop growing and enriching itself! ERLACS – European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies CLAS Books Cuadernos Doctoral Theses Inaugural and Valedictory Speeches Project Publication Annual Reports MLAS Final Theses

  • CEDLA | China-LAC: China’s Economic and Political Role in the Caribbean and Central America | University of Amsterdam

    China’s Economic and Political Role in the Caribbean and Central America DOWNLOAD This is the second report in a series of three studies into the economic and political influence of China in Latin American and the Caribbean, and the implications for the region’s relations with Europe and the US. The report presents the findings of our research about the Chinese presence in the Caribbean Basin: the Caribbean and Central America, including the Caribbean coast of South America and the Guyanas. This is the second of three reports prepared for the China Knowledge Network (CKN) . The research for and the production of the reports was carried out within the framework agreement for the CKN. The aim of the CKN is to promote strategic knowledge development about China for the national government of the Netherlands. Responsibility for the content and for the opinions expressed rests solely with the authors and does not constitute, and should not be construed as, an endorsement by the Secretariat of the China Knowledge Network and/or the commissioning ministries. This CEDLA report is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY 4.0 Licence ), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Copyright is retained by the authors. Recommended citation: Baud, M., Hogenboom, B., Gonzalez-Vicente, R., Pin, R. and Steinhöfel, D. (2022), China’s Economic and Political Role in the Caribbean and Central America (China’s Role in Latin America and the Caribbean, No. 2), Amsterdam: CEDLA–UvA. About the authors Barbara Hogenboom is Professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Amsterdam and Director of the Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation (CEDLA). She is Managing Editor of the European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (ERLACS). Michiel Baud is Professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Amsterdam and former Director of CEDLA (2000–2017). Previously, he was Professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Leiden (1995–2000). Ruben Gonzalez-Vicente is Associate Professor in Political Economy at the University of Birmingham. He previously worked at the City University of Hong Kong (2012–2016) and the University of Leiden (2017–2021). He is Editor at The People’s Map of Global China. Diego Steinhöfel is Research Assistant at CEDLA–UvA. He previously worked at Brot für die Welt (2021) and at German Development Cooperation, GIZ (2016–2019). He graduated in Latin American Studies from CEDLA. Renske Pin was raised in Curaçao. She works as an independent researcher for, and with, various knowledge institutes in the Caribbean region and founded RE-Quest Research & Consultancy. She worked as an Associated Professor at the University of the Netherlands Antilles and has a MSc diploma in Communication Sciences and a PhD in Behavioural Sciences. The authors want to thank Glenn Thodé, Erwin Arkenbout, Iris Monnereau, Paul Tsjon sie Fat, Ranu Abhelakh, Gert Oostindie and all the interviewees in Curaçao, Aruba and Sint Maarten for their insights, which have helped to shape this report. Design and Layout: Miren Zubizarreta. China’s Economic and Political Role in the Caribbean MICHIEL BAUD BARBARA HOGENBOOM RUBEN GONZALEZ-VICENTE RENSKE PIN DIEGO STEINHÖFEL PLEASE FIND HERE THE THREE REPORTS OF THIS RESEARCH: China’s Economic and Political Role in Latin America BARBARA HOGENBOOM MICHIEL BAUD RUBEN GONZALEZ-VICENTE DIEGO STEINHÖFEL China’s Economic and Political Role in the Caribbean and Central America MICHIEL BAUD BARBARA HOGENBOOM RUBEN GONZALEZ-VICENTE RENSKE PIN DIEGO STEINHÖFEL China's engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean: Geopolitical challenges and the role of the EU BARBARA HOGENBOOM MICHIEL BAUD DIEGO STEINHÖFEL DOCTORAL THESES INAUGURAL AND VALEDICTORY SPEECHES CEDLA ANNUAL REPORTS PROJECT PUBLICATIONS

  • More money, more crime: A theory on rising crime in Latin America

    MAY 21 More money, more crime: A theory on rising crime in Latin America Prof. Marcelo Bergman , Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), Argentina ​ In this lecture and his new book, Professor Bergman addresses the rapid rise of crime and violence in Latin America over the last decades, and offers an explanation to a striking paradox: In the midst of poverty reduction, economic growth, and democratization, crime rose in the eighteen countries of the region. Drawing from large data sets collected specifically for this project, he argues that crime has risen because it has become a profitable industry, and because weak states and outdated criminal justice systems have been unable to withstand the challenge posed by these new criminal enterprises. Prosperity has actually enhanced consumer demand for illicit goods fueling the growth of secondary and illegal markets, including those of stolen goods and narcotics which offer income opportunities for millions of youngsters willing to risk arrest and even their own lives. While some countries have experienced moderate increases in criminality, others have seen catastrophic rates of violence resulting in two types of stable equilibria: Low and high crime countries. He explains why these different equilibria have developed in the region, and discusses their undesired outcomes: serious predatory crime diversification, consolidation of organized crime, ineffective justice reforms, weak policing, and overcrowded prisons. ​

  • CEDLA | Master's Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    Coloridos lomos de los libros CEDLA Latin America Studies (CLAS) book series The CLAS book series consists of more than 100 titles and has, through the years, made a considerable contribution to the publication and distribution of social science and historiographical research by Latin Americanists in Europe and the Americas. The CLAS series consists of monographs and readers in English. The objective of the CLAS series is to publish the results of original research on Latin America in the fields of the social sciences, understood in a broad sense, including history, economy and geography. The series is directed toward an academic readership, but also aims to reach a larger public of students and informed readers. ​ Please find here a selection of the CLAS book series downloadable in pdf: Please find here the complete list of CLAS book series Indigenous Revolts in Chiapas and the Andean Highlands Kevin Gosner Arij Ouweneel CLAS 77 To Get out of the Mud: Neighborhood Associativism in Recife, 1964-1988 Willem Assies ​ ​ ​ ​ CLAS 63 The Indian Communitty of Colonial Mexico: Fifteen Essays on Land Tenure, Corporate Organizations, Ideology and Village Politics ​ ​ Arij Ouweneel Simon Miller ​ CLAS 58 ​ Structures of Power, Movements of Resistance Willem Assies Gerrit Burgwal Ton Salman ​ ​ CLAS 55 Revolution and Criminal Justice: The Cuban Experiment 1959-1983 ​ ​ Adèle van der Plas ​ CLAS 39 Ritual Enemas and Snuffs in the Americas ​ Peter de Smet ​ ​ ​ ​ CLAS 33 New Social Movements and the State in Latin America ​ David Slater ​ ​ ​ ​ CLAS 29 Huisi Taco: Estudio Interpretativo de un Libro Mixteco Antiguo Maarten Jansen ​ ​ ​ ​ CLAS 24 Sindicatos y Protesta Social en Argentina - Un Estudio de Caso: el Sindicato de Luz y Fuerza de Córdoba ​ Iris Marta Roldán ​ ​ CLAS 11 Authors/editors interested in submitting a manuscript may first like to consider our requirements, and then request a prospectus from Rebeca Rodríguez , Desk Editor. From 2010, CLAS 98, ours series is published by Berghahn Books, New York and Oxford. The CLAS booklist (2000-present) is in order of the most recent. Any inquiries or orders for books may be sent to . We will forward your order for you, if you wish. Please note that prices do not include handling costs. ​ Please find here the complete list of CLAS books ​ CLAS EDITORIAL BOARD Prof. Dr. Michiel Baud (Chair) CEDLA, Amsterdam Professor Anthony Bebbington Clark University Dr Edward F. Fischer Vanderbilt University Prof. Dr. Barbara Hogenboom CEDLA, Amsterdam Prof. Dr. Barbara Potthast Universität zu Köln Dr Rachel Sieder CIESAS, México D.F. Professor G. Eduardo Silva Tulane University Prof. Dr. Patricio Silva Universiteit Leiden ERLACS – European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies CLAS Books Cuadernos Doctoral Theses Inaugural and Valedictory Speeches Project Publication Annual Reports MLAS Final Theses

  • CEDLA | Master's Latin American Studies - University of Amsterdam

    CEDLA Events 2020 feb 21 Presentación Hallazgos de la Comisión de la Verdad en Bolivia Fernando Valdivia, Editor Responsable del Informe Final Esta exposición destaca los hallazgos más importantes de la Comisión de la Verdad en Bolivia y reflexiona sobre el trabajo de este tipo de órgano desde la experiencia boliviana. La comisión recopiló documentación y testimonios que resultaron en más de 6000 expedientes, con el objetivo de esclarecer las graves violaciones de derechos humanos durante las dictaduras militares entre 1964 y 1982. En ello sobresale la desclasificación de documentación militar y policial relacionada a esa época. EXPO Opening “Ink & Blood: Historical Solidarity with Latin America” Combining material from the collections of KADOC and its partner institutions, this exhibition offers a unique insight into a dynamic era of Belgian solidarity with Latin America. During the opening of the exhibition there will be a panel discussion on the faces of historical and contemporary European solidarity with Latin America, led by professor emeritus Michiel Baud, and followed by drinks.

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